Thursday, February 1, 2007

january wrap-up

Well with only 2 on-bike days (the last two days of the month) there isn't much to report other than I started training for 2007 3 months before I did for 2006. For that matter, I owned a bike 3 months before I did at this point last year (and now I have 2).

I put in a solid 2:31:04, and 34.89mi according to my log, although that was on the trainer, so the miles don't really count. That is a blistering 13.8mph that pace I could win the world TT championships come summer. In non-bike workouts done in italy though, I was in the gym 3 days a week for the entire month, ran 3 days a week the entire month for min-1hr, max-1.5hr, and did my daily stretch and did core strengthening routine 30/31 days (missing new years day, of all days). So I'm not as out of shape as I would have been, but im certainly not where others who did a month of base are. I really have noticed the core and upper body stregnth in my 2 rides thusfar. No sore back, no sore arms, no problems riding in the drops for extended periods, etc. Obviously its inside and who knows what it's like outdoors, but it feels nice.

Speaking of outdoors, I was going to go out today but the roads were in terrible shape. If they clean up a bit tmrw I'd like to head out, otherwise I'll go to targetraining for the thus-evening 1.5 ride, and then head out if it stays warm (about 35 F) on friday or saturday. I really want to get outside in the "warm" before I head back to maine.

So here's to knowing I will have way more than 34.89 miles each month for the rest of the year (hopefully) and that january wasn't really all that bad of a month. It was nice time off the bike after a long road and 'cross season, and I am really loving being back into a "normal" routine including rides into my day.

1 comment:

Argentius said...

Cold sucks.

Last year, I missed almost all of January -- I got injured just before xmas, then was JUST getting over that in Jan when I got hit by a car. Didn't really get to training until mid-late February...

You'll be solid if you start ramping it up, just don't pour on the miles all of a sudden! Remember, it's like getting into the hot tub.

Think of how nice the hot tub feels.

Now, imagine instead, walking up to it and just jumping in, unready. That would hurt. A lot.