Sunday, March 18, 2007

week 7

7 weeks of riding on the books. Somehow, this one doesn't seem like it will be one to remmeber. an astounding 4 days on the bike, some great sickness, a measily 101 miles in 6:18. Heck, I could do that in one day. Started week 6 in the gym, so I am almost done there and I am getting wayyyy stronger. I am at something like 385 miles for the month, and just shy of 1k for the year so far. Things would have been bigger, but after finding out the race sat was cancelled I opted for a day off (since my legs were none to recovered) and then partook in doghead, colby's fine tradition of waking up at 430am on the saturday closest to st. patty's, and drinking your mind out. I was planning on going home after sleeping all afternoon and sobering up to drive home and race (poorly) the next day, but that race was cancelled too. So I decided to continue my stupidness, take a second day off from riding, and go all out. At least I got it out of my system. I got in some quaility time on the rollers today, watched some free ( thanks tyler for the tip, and I agree, lamesauce on the race weekend).

I think I have spring break (last week of march) lined up. Drive home thus. night, drive to bucknell fri, race sat/sun, drive back home sun night, train at home mon/tues, drive up to VT with rose, train in VT (hopefully no snow and lots of mtns) wed/thus, thus night drive to boston and visit a friend, spend friday w/ said friend, get in a nice little spin, then race sat/sun in boston. Should be a good mix of places, temperatures, etc. Rose is crazy and fun to be around, supposedly her parents are nuts (some ppl stayed there for a mtb race in the fall) and I would LOVE to get to VT and do some mtn passes for a few days.

1 comment:

Argentius said...

And holy crap I just went back to that "why do the pros ride tubulars?" thread and cannot even figure out WHAT everyone is TALKING about there.

Double-you-tee-eff, folks?