Saturday, December 23, 2006

be back in a week

Just when I was settling into a nice routine, my family decides its time for a vacation. I was getting used to and really starting to like sleeping till noon or so, going out for some base miles, finding something to eat, general relaxing around the house until the siblings got home from school, hanging out with them for a bit, dinner, and then out to see friends, bed, repeat.

At least we are heading out to Colorado. Hopefully we will be able to go....all the darn snow closed the airport. I hope everyone has a good x-mas, blah blah blah. I'm hitting the slopes (for the first time this year, a new record of how late in the season it is till I get on snow, usually its just before turkey day) for the next week or so with the family in Aspen and I may even remember my camera. Thats right, a place where the beer flows like water, where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon to capistrana....Ok, so I butchered the quote. I'll be back in time to tear it up for new years, see you then.

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