I am sick as crap. Had to take the day off. Then again, it had been 19 days since my last off day, so that isn't the end of the world. I was a few days from a schedualed off day, and my legs are still feeling good. But I woke up this morning with the head cold and figured, uh-oh, gotta be careful. By lunch it was the full on fluid in the chest cough, which = off day. Fruit, water, veggie diet for the day (it usually works for me) and a huge nap, and alot of sleep tonight and hopefully I'll be back on my feet tmrw. If not, well, I'm not racing this weekend, so a few days off won't exactly kill me right now, but I'd rather be on the bike. So I am posting pictures of when I felt good in an effort to trick my body into feeling better. Somehow I doubt it will work, but its worth a shot, I think.

Have you ever seen someone sooo stoked for a
front row start (not in a 'cross race)? Well, I gave a fist pump. Mike was talking to me.....little did we know that front row was pretty much the high point of both of our races.

Somewhere in hurty-land. In fact, it hurts so much I went blurry. Judging by the fact I'm in the drops its either the first 5 or last 5 laps, as I rode the middle 15 on the hoods. I'm gonna go with first 5, as I don't really remember following a yale kid late in the race (no offense yale kid, you are probably smarter than me and will run the world one day).

And finally, my meager attempt to sprint in the road race. Note how bundled up the guy next to me is. Wimp. In another pic from the road race, you can see a sliver of exposed leg, and you know its me, since EVERYONE else in the race had at least knee warmers if not full on cold gear on. Oh yea, I can't sprint. Then again, bundled up guy beat me, maybe I shouldn't call him a wimp, should I?
For the record, all of these photo's are borrowed from an unnamed website. Hence the proof. Mike (carnegie melon mike) told me how to borrow them, but I am no good w/ computers, so we didn't try to attempt to remove proof.
Now if only our new kits would come in. Its april for crying out loud. Teaser of the kit, or at least the picture I saw before we submitted our final design.

1 off day in 3 bloody weeks?
Dude, we're in season now, you need to knock that crap off and hammer harder on hard days, and then on Mondays or something just put your feet up and do NOTHING.
Get with the program and rest those legs!
ive had a bunch of recovery days. 2 a week in fact.
and after this week, my program is shifting into a "real" off day schedualed per week.
the wierd thing is, my legs don't "feel" like they need rest. I know they do, but they have been feeling really good recently.
now I really need to go to bed if I want any hope of feeling better and riding tmrw
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