where nothing goes right? I had one today. First I had to get up at 8:30 for a meeting, I don't have class till 11. Then I did terribly on my pysch midterm, thats two of them now. Then my day went up a bit as I got to see family friends who were visiting the school and a professor helped me out with research for a paper. Then my female situation complicated itself. So I decided to go for a bike ride. It was super windy, but I was pissed and riding hard. I did my ever favorite love to hate it bigalow hill, and on my way back got a flat, about 8 miles from either the shop or campus. Pissed off, I just rode the 8 miles (8.43 actaully) at ~ 22mph just hoping I wouldn't die (it was a rear flat). I was on the p.o.s. wheels, so how much more damage could I do to them? (none). On the bright side, It was a very hard 8 miles and I got in a good workout. Now I have mastik on my hands (yes tubular glue mastik) as I used some to try to glue the leather back onto the shell of my saddle, which is slowly pealing off.
Maybe tmrw will be better. I think any one of 4 packages in the mail for me, if they showed up, would make me happy.
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What got complicated with the female situation? You can just email back if ya want.
What's in the packages?
you rode 8 miles at 22mph with a flat rear?
either you're full of shit or you're going to crush me on a cross bike.
actually, both of those could be true.
argentius - to put it simply, attempting to have 2 at 1nce went down in flames....
package 1 - HUP kit
package 2- my arm warmers (left in boston)
package 3 - HUP booties (different order, will be coming seperate)
package 4 - Colby kit
colin - i had a ~20mph tailwind, but yea....i was in a "f*ck the world" state of mind and just put it in the big ring and went, it felt sort of like riding in a 8 mile sandpit, except with better traction. also, most of it was flat or downhill. but i sound really hardcore if i leave out the downhill/tailwind part....
as for crushing you on a cross bike, doubtful, but i am wayyyy stronger/faster right now than I ever was last year, something about training....
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