After I wrote all that up yesterday, I went over to Targetraining to get some new gear. Bell Sweep R and some rudy project's and I'm stylin now. While I was there I ended up getting invited to ride with them that night. They use velodyne computrainer type things. About 4 gorrilla's, 1 pro racer, and myself showed up. After spinning for 20 minutes and getting the velodyne's calibrated (you enter some data, it spins down from speed, etc...) they all decided we were doing the simulated alpe d'huez. It wasn't a race per se, just like you weekly shop hammerfest ride isn't a race......
I started 3rd, and from the get-go was hurting know, the part that goes downhill. I got passed about 3.5 miles in by a gorrilla who had started about .5mi behind me. I had closed down nearly .25mi on a gorrilla who had started .75mi ahead of me, and was holding steady behind the gorrilla who started first. Around 7mi I was really, really hurting.
I should mention 38X23 was my gearing for this "climb". Needless to say it was terrible. One giant pain interval. I got passed by the pro who started 5minutes after me, tried to jump and draft him (you can do that in this thing, its soo cool, you all have your own tv screens, someone comes up, you accelerate to stay behind them and it drafts and gets a tad easier) but as soon as I settled onto his wheel he jumped and dropped me. We played cat and mouse for about a minute, and I was totally cooked. I finally made it up, last, but with the 2nd to slowest time, 1:17 and change. I avg'd somewhere around 175 watts, which isn't terrible, I weigh all of 119 lbs, actaully, I lost 3lbs during that ride. To be fair, I had ridden and crashed, was coming off 3 weeks off, and they are all HUGE powerful guys, who ride, alot, and are faster than me.
Anyways, I slept well last night and decided to ride with my mom for an easy spin to get lunch today. Brought the camera along. Took things super easy and spinny, let my mom suck my wheel for most of the ride, etc. etc. Best base miles of the year to date, by far.
Oh yea. Looks like the Colby team is going to have Targetraining coach us this year. I am super stoked as this is a great oppertunity for us and hopefully for them (probably not). I worked hard to make this happen, and now that it looks like it will, I am excited to be able to work with coaches and athletes of such caliber.
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