Thursday, December 7, 2006

bald 23C + snow = death

Thats right, the gov/econ student came up with a math equation. It doesn't use calculus or matrix's or anything fancy, but it explains something important. Bald 23C tires + snow = death. I was riding back to my dorm tonight with about 1/2 inch of fresh on the ground, and was taking some turns at a decent speed (sneakers, jacket, backpack) on pavement covered in snow and got really sketchy. I didn't go down, but my life flashed before my eyes.....well maybe not.

I rode rollers while watching 2005 liege w/ Sarah (trainer) tonight. I didn't fall, didn't make too bad of a fool of myself, got in a decent workout, and watched Voigt loose to Vino at the finish after a super long break. Darn, I need to get a DVD of Voigt going on a suicidal break and actaully winning. All the one-footed drills I had been doing thus summer/fall and alot of one footed riding really paid off, as I felt super smooth on the rollers and really noticed I was comfortable and not having difficulty, especially compared to my last attempt on them.

Oddly, it was like 45 degrees this morning, then started raining, then got cold tonight and snowed. Weird. Tomorrow is the last day of classes. This semester has flown by.


Argentius said...

Jens Voigt is my hero. It sucks that he gets caught so many damn times when he deserves to win, but then he DOES win often enough.

How do you not melt into a pile of goo when you ride that hard on the trainer?

I have to use 5,036 fans and then I can't hear the TV over the jet-engine like roar, so instead I go outside in the nasty weather, but of course nasty here means just rain and 38 degrees instead of snow which is why I DON"T LIVE IN MAINE. :)

allons-y said...

not melting on the trainer:

open a window, have a towel, drink plenty of water (i find about 2X as much as under "normal" riding conditions) and having a fan in the window blowing that -20 maine air onto you helps, but isn't neccessary...