Wednesday, January 24, 2007

italian bike shops

Verona apparently has something like 50 clubs in town, and more than enough shops to serve those teams, rec riders, etc. I have seen about 10 bike shops in town, which is 300k people (or so I was told, feels smaller than that though). I finally had some time and went and checked one out. I ended up spending 45 minutes talking with the wrenches there in a mix of broken italian/english about road racing, 'cross, racing in the states, racing in italy, pro racing, and bikes in general. They said they had heard of wicks and page, but not trebon...we were talking about the upcoming 'cross worlds, and if I understood correct Hanka kuperwhatever is either friends, used to be a team with, has the same sponsor, or something related to one of the wrenches, because he showed me a picture of her and talked about her for awhile. I just said "si' and nodded, as per usual. They talked about Cunego, they love him here (he's from here).

In the end, I bought a long sleeve jersey, size XXS (usually im S or XS) but darn italian took me 2 weeks to find a belt for the equivelent of a 28 waist.....Anyways, the long sleeve jersey is not only my first ever ls jersey (although I'm getting a colby one in a month or so) but it is awesome (I won't freeze in maine anymore) and says a bunch of stuff in Italian on it (see below), plus being the colors it is, it's highly visible, another first for me and bike clothing. It cost 35 euro, but the dude gave it to me for 25......Imagine buying a very nice, full-custom, full zip, top of the line ls jersey for roughly 30 bucks in the states.....I was tempted to buy a pair of bibs, which were like 40 euro, but they didn't have my size. Time to write my last paper for this class, one more idea to flush out, edit, and then I have till monday to enjoy Italy.

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