First week of training is in the books. Taking tmrw off after 5 days in a row. Training log shows 7:09:41 in the saddle covering 100.04 miles. All but 1 day was inside so the mileage doesn't quite count, but who cares. I got outside one day between snow/ice storms, the roads were like 'cross sandpits but it was fun, and cold, although I was overdressed and sweating from the get-go. 33F, light wind, I wore: arm warmers, ls baselayer, ss windbloc baselayer, ss jersey, ls jersey, leg warmers, windblog baselayer pant, shorts, wool socks, neoprene shoe covers, headsweats cap over a normal cycling cap, shoes, helmet, glasses, glove liners, long windblog/waterproof gloves (non-lobster though).. It took me almost more time to dress/undress than it did to ride.

The resevoir was all frozen, I didn't see another cyclist out on the roads (come on CT, stop being lame) and a cop pulled up along next to me and asked me if I was ok, if I needed anything, and gave me the advice "its friggen cold out, make sure you don't stay out to long and call us if you have a flat tire or anything, we don't need you freezing to death out here"......while he was nice/funny (gave me my speed readout as well) it was 33 F.....its not like it was -33 F.....

Whatever. Heading back up to school tmrw where I have a package waiting for it ??? a. new laptop battery to replace the one I lost in a drunken haze at paris airport trying not to miss my flight back from the states, or b. new seatpost (ritchey wcs aluminum), or c. something I didn't buy this week....someone sent me a package? Going back to school is good because it means I get to start ordering things to put back together my road I have the frame (lemond tourmalet) which fits me, is comfy, cheap to replace, rides well for a cheap alu roadbike, etc....all in all a good road race bike for broke kids like me. I have wcs stem/bar, and the post I just ordered. I have a set of brakes (cane creeks) that I may use, or may sell, depending on if I buy a full grouppo or piece together something used. Then its either used ultegra parts (or Dura-ace if its cheap enough) or.....making the leap to sram rival. Then another big one, neuvation c50's.....thats right, 50mm carbon tub's.....or perhaps not buying a crazy wheelset and just getting another r28 (prbly the aero to have both of them)....I have plenty of tires lying around as well, but would need tub's....time to decide just how much I want to spend on this thing, especially with a new custom 'cross frame in the works. Though my dad offered to split the c50's with me, which would be sweet. At 175 rim replacement, I could even partially afford to wreck them....knock on wood. Any idea's please post.
And lastly my mom went to look at a new bike today. Looks like she is going to end up with a custom serotta, like my dad. Not fair they get 6k ti/carbon bikes w/ campy, mavics, etc., and I have to scrape together parts for an 1k alu bike (though with all these new parts, it'd be worth around 3k, although i'd have spent about 2k on it) oh well, I guess that's life, you get the nice bike if you really are that good, or when your old and can afford it (but don't exactly need it). Then again, a tourmalet running sram rival, wcs cockpit, c50's, and my other stuff (slr, keo's) would be a pretty sick bike, prbly weighing 17lbs, if not below 17. Plus it'd be comfy (fit to me), aero, wreck-able, and just an all around sub 3k bike that gets the job done....i'd have no excuses, just the engine.